The Shakeaze muzzle guard was originally developed for headshaking which was triggered by wind.
Research has suggested that the behaviour is due to increased sensitivity in the trigeminal nerve which provides sensation to the upper face, nose and muzzle areas.
The Shakeaze is unique in the respect that it acts as a 'wind barrier', protecting the muzzle area from sensitivity caused by direct airflow.
Research by Professor Knottenbelt has also suggested airflow to be a potential trigger with horses demonstrating 'nostril clamping', in an attempt to close each nostril in turn as if trying to
prevent the intake and movement of air and possible associated pain.
This research, again, is the basis of our design!
Purchase now for only £34.99.
Stockists include:
Nantwich Veterinary Group Equine Centre. 01270 628888
To order please click on the 'order now' below. If you do not have PayPal, please message us through the contact section on this site. We will be able to offer alternative ways to
** As idiopathic headshaking currently has no known cause, there is no specific treatment which will help in every case.
Nosenets and guards are typically suggested as the first management option for these horses as they are non invasive, and have been shown to have a greater sucess rate when compared to other
Although efficacy studies show great results for a significant proportion of horses, the Shakeaze guard is not guaranteed to work in 100% of cases.